Your personal inhaler guide that goes wherever you do!

Your personal inhaler guide that goes wherever you do!

CapMedic is a powerhouse of innovations built to help you breathe better

Comfortable grip for all ages

Ergonomic design with dedicated finger placements

Dedicated grooves on the top provide a wide and comfortable grip to press your inhaler.

Designed to be comfortable for hands of all shapes and sizes, even for the tiny and fragile hands.


Touch-based operation

Simply pick up your inhaler and start taking a puff.

CapMedic comes to life and starts guiding you.

CapMedic provides optimally timed prompts based on user actions

Shake your inhaler

Audio messages, pings and lights guide you to shake your inhaler correctly

Keep it upright

CapMedic indicates when your inhaler is upright.


Right press at the right time

CapMedic detects your breathing and nudges you with audio-visual cues to press the inhaler while breathing in.


Follow the lights, follow the music

CapMedic provides audio-visual reminders to encourage long inhalation.

Don’t stop at the last step!

CapMedic reminds you to hold your breath so you don’t breathe out all the medication.

Instant feedback

LED lights provide immediate assessment of how well you did.

Learn more by syncing data to your app.

Perform spirometry at home with the SAME CapMedic.

Measure lung function at home

Perform spirometry at home with the SAME CapMedic.

Measure lung function at home

​CapMedic measures FEV1 and PEF parameters.​

Audio cues provide live encouragement to exhale with full force.​

Traffic light assessment with LED lights tell you how well you did!

CapMedic stores the lung function data and can also be viewed on the app. Learn more below.

Review data on your app

  • Detailed inhaler use data recorded and reviewed on your phone.
  • Home spirometry – keep track of your FEV1 and PEF values to check how your lungs are doing.
  • Securely share your medication and lung function data with your provider.

Providers can now get a view of the patient’s health status remotely to decide the best course of action. 

CapMedic Platform

You can try CapMedic for free at your doctor’s office. Share with your doctor or nurse to order their FREE CapMedic Trainer Kit for use in clinic. 

Take control with CapMedic

CapMedic is designed by the Cognita Labs team driven by the passion for science and its application to solve patients’ most demanding problems. CapMedic is a result of years of research, stakeholder feedback, and encouragement from visitors like you.

CapMedic is a prescription-only device.

Disclaimer: CapMedic provides nudges for correct use and does not replace inhaler’s packaged guidelines. Always follow doctor’s advice and inhaler’s packaged guidelines to learn how to use the inhaler.


©2025 Cognita Labs, LLC All Rights Reserved. CapMedic is a registered trademark of Cognita Labs, LLC. 700 N Main St. Ste C1 Santa Ana CA 92701