Backed by decades of research to deliver real results

Widespread incorrect and irregular inhaler use results in costly and avoidable hospital visits.
CapMedic® helps you take your medication correctly and regularly to guide improvements in your health.

What are we doing wrong?

Too many steps to remember,
Too much medication wasted.

Data collected from multiple patients in multiple studies across multiple countries shows widespread inhaler misuse.

Data from Price et al. ’17, Biswas et al. ’16, Molimard et al. ’03

Medication is lost to the mouth and throat due to incorrect use

CapMedic provides friendly nudges and talks to help you use inhalers the right way every time.

How does CapMedic help me?




Many patients forget to shake their inhaler. For most inhalers, failing to shake the inhaler can result in widely varying medication amounts delivered.*

*Hatley et al. ’16

Get consistent dosage

Voice reminders and fun animations remind you to shake your inhaler to get the correct dosage every time.




Patients often don’t remember that it’s crucial to hold inhalers upright during use.

Wasted medication – wrong orientation is correlated with poor outcomes as medication can’t go past the throat*

*Delvadia et al. ’13

Less wasted, more inhaled

CapMedic’s LED lights tell you when your inhaler is upright. No more guesswork!

COORDINATION — Press-timing



~ 65% of patients find it confusing when to press the inhaler.

  • Too early — medication wasted in your mouth.
  • Too late — the drug doesn’t reach your lungs.

Timing being off by as little as half a second can cause as much as half of the medication to fail to reach your lungs*

*Biswas et al. ’17

Goldilock's zone

Not too early, not too late… just right!

CapMedic Cues — lights, sounds, and vibrations remind you to actuate your inhaler at the right time.




Almost 90% of patients can’t inhale deeply, making inhalation the most difficult step of all.

A slow, deep inhalation carries medication to your deepest airways.*

*Newman et al. ’95, Pauwels et al. ’97, Biswas et al. 17

Slow deep breaths carry drugs to lungs

CapMedic provides encouraging music and lights to guide you to keep breathing for a long duration.




You’ve gotten this far! Your lungs are full of medication and it’s natural to breathe out immediately.

Holding your breath for 10 seconds allows the medication to settle down in the airways* and start working

*Martonen ’93, Heyder  ’04

A small cue goes a long way

CapMedic detects the end of inhalation and instantly reminds you to hold your breath.


It’s no surprise patients can’t follow through so many steps to take an inhaler puff correctly.  With CapMedic, there’s nothing to forget, every step is reminded at the right time and tracked for review and improvement!

EMPOWERMENT through data

Multiple studies have demonstrated significant improvements in health outcomes by empowering patients to take control of their data.

Reduce avoidable cost and increase disease control in your patient population through

  • Increased patient engagement
  • Informed decision-making based on trends
  • Better patient experience

CapMedic helps bring actionable and relevant data to you.

CapMedic helps bring actionable and relevant data to you.

Take Control with CapMedic

CapMedic is designed by the Cognita Labs team driven by the passion for science and its application to solve patients’ most demanding problems. CapMedic is a result of years of research, stakeholder feedback, and encouragement from visitors like you.

CapMedic is a prescription-only device.

Disclaimer: CapMedic provides nudges for correct use and does not replace inhaler’s packaged guidelines. Always follow doctor’s advice and inhaler’s packaged guidelines to learn how to use the inhaler.


©2025 Cognita Labs, LLC All Rights Reserved. CapMedic is a registered trademark of Cognita Labs, LLC. 700 N Main St. Ste C1 Santa Ana CA 92701